Xtend Contact Center announces Xtended chat support hours

Xtend’s Contact Center team announced that they will begin to offer Xtended Hours to all clients on March 1st, 2019. Xtend’s supported chat hours will be available to all new and currently enrolled credit unions and will allow credit union members additional access to contact center assistance weeknights until 11:00 pm ET. This expanded coverage is provided at no additional monthly charge.

“By expanding our hours for chat support we will be improving the members’ experience, allowing our members an in person feel well after regular business hours have ended,” said Jason Conrad, Xtend’s Contact Center manager. “We recognize that members have ever changing schedules and the demand for individual support during more nontraditional hours is growing. We’re excited for the new hours and the positive impact for all partner credit union members.”

For more information on Xtend’s Web Chat Solution, visit their website.