Xtend Board of Directors Approves Collab-Rebate

Xtend, a Grand Rapids-based credit union service organization, recently announced its fee waiver program to clients. Owners and clients alike received a total of over $52,000 in rebates from the Xtend CUSO. This included 138 credit unions from around the United States.

The fee waivers, coined “Collab-Rebates”, were given to credit unions who participated in several different products and services with Xtend. Credit unions who utilize the back-office bookkeeping program were provided with one week of services. In addition, inbound member service call fees were reduced. Credit unions who utilize the Member Reach program, Xtend’s automated outbound member marketing service, received a 100% fee waiver for the Member Reach base program.

“It is a powerful statement that the board is making with these rebates,” Liz Winninger, CEO of Xtend, Inc. states. “Our board wanted to show appreciation to not only our CUSO owners but all our clients. The replies of appreciation from our client partners have been tremendous.”