WESCO Net Web Services Developer Earns MySQL Certification

WESCO Net Web Services, a leader in web design and hosting for credit unions across the United States is proud to announce that Web Services Developer James Hulett recently earned a MySQL Certified Developer certification.

According to WESCO Net, this certification is important as MySQL is increasingly being tasked for backend database store for many web applications including its WordPress with SiteControl platform, as well as Retailer Direct, MicroLender, and many eDOC Innovations products.

Dave Wordhouse, VP of Network Technologies at WESCO Net says, “Todays business world runs on databases. More now than ever, businesses are making both tactical and strategic decisions based on a proper understanding of the knowledge capital theyve accumulated and stored in their databases. WESCO Nets key value proposition has always been our expertise in leveraging technical solutions to solve critical business issues. While weve had knowledgeable experts in MySQL for many years we felt it was time to extend our reach and add this important certification as it will further cement our position of trusted partner with our clients using this important and rapidly growing database vendor.”

MySQL is the worlds most popular open source database engine used worldwide by industry giants like Yahoo!, Google and YouTube.

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