Toro Employees FCU Converts to CU*BASE® Core Platform

Toro Employees Federal Credit Union ($27 million total assets) was successfully converted to the CU*BASE core data processing platform by CU*Answers. The 100% credit union-owned CUSO indicated the 3,600-member credit union was brought onto the system as of May 1, 2014.

When asked why Toro Employees Federal Credit Union chose CU*Answers, Grant Johnson, CEO stated, “We selected CU*Answers because of their unique business model, strong history of helping credit unions meet their members’ needs for deposits, lending and self-service technology. In addition CU*Answers offers value-added services for back office, analytics and direct marketing.”

Toro Employees Federal Credit Union is the fifth credit union in Minnesota to convert to the CU*Answers system. Currently Building Trades Federal Credit Union, Wakota Federal Credit Union, Lake State Credit Union, and Catholic United Financial Credit Union already process on the CU*Answers CU*BASE system.