CU*SOUTH announced that Stephens-Franklin Teachers Federal Credit Union has selected the credit-union owned CUSO as its core processing partner. Laura Denison, CEO of Stephens-Franklin Teachers FCU emphasized the ease of connecting with her members as a key reason for picking CU*SOUTH: “We can take our credit union to our members to make it convenient to use us as their primary financial institution. The integrated loan application with credit reports and quick decisioning was important to us.”
CU*SOUTH’s all-in-one approach to software and service stood out to Stephen-Franklin Teachers FCU when they made their decision to select their core processor. Denison stated, “We currently use many different vendors to offer our members the products and services they want and deserve. CU*SOUTH provides us with more services and thereby reduces the number of relationships with vendors. It requires a tremendous amount of (costly) due diligence to have a large number of overlapping contracts and relationships. We believe that fewer relationships will lead to stronger more mutually beneficial arrangements – both in terms of knowledge (knowing who to call with questions) – and costs (economies of scale).”
The low pricing and diverse managing services offered by CU*SOUTH was another advantage for Ms. Denison, “We feel that all the services provided with one low monthly fee will enable our employees to do what they do best – take care of our members! In addition, CU*SOUTH personnel have expertise in areas of compliance, processing, and accounting that should prove to be a valuable resource for us.”
CEO of CU*SOUTH, Leo Vaulin, welcomes Stephens-Franklin Teachers FCU: “We believe that small credit unions who are close to their members can do the best job of sustaining the economic growth of their communities. CU*SOUTH’s mission is to provide the support these credit unions need – not only the software, but also the expertise and support to put that software to the best possible use. Together with our client-owners, our CUSO helps credit unions grow!”