SettleMINT welcomes newest team member Megan Lewis

The CU*Answers SettleMINT team recently welcomed its newest team member, Megan Lewis. She joins the team as an EFT Account Executive and brings along 5 years of CU*BASE® knowledge. “Megan has proven to be a great resource to our SettleMINT EFT team,” said team lead Shantee Giar. “Her passion to continue learning shows in every task she completes.”

Prior to joining the SettleMINT EFT Team, Megan gained experience while working at a credit union for over five years. Her roles included teller, head teller and loan officer. She also worked with the Client Services and Education team at CU*Answers as a client service representative. Her wealth of knowledge she gained while within these roles has allowed her to become an asset to the SettleMINT EFT team and has prepared her to continue to expand her knowledge of CU*BASE and the ATM/debit card, credit card and bill pay platforms.

CU*Answers SettleMINT is the one stop location for all EFT related products including ATM/debit & credit cards, instant issue cards, bill pay, compromised card support and shared branching.  SettleMINT also offers consulting to help their credit union clients maximize their investment in EFT products and features.