New development platform a multi-CUSO collaboration

Over the next few weeks, CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, will be managing a server deployment project for its sister CUSO – Liberty Lake, Washington-based CU*NorthWest. The result of the project will be to migrate the CU*NorthWest application development platform to the new POWER9 core technology from IBM.  A third CUSO partner—Yankton, South Dakota-based Site-Four—will provide the facilities management and operational services components.

Scott Collins, EVP of national sales and marketplace relationships at CU*Answers commented: “Multi-CUSO collaborative projects like this have become second-nature to the partners that make up the network. Sharing the people resources, leveraging shared infrastructure and operations facilities, and deploying our collective toolsets on the most reliable core server infrastructure in the world—IBM’s POWER architecture—is fundamental to the successful growth that we have experienced across our network. And this latest project will provide an outstanding platform for CU*NorthWest application development for many years.”