Network-wide sales meeting headed to Vegas

CU*Answers, the cooperative CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, announced that it would be hosting its network partners at the CUSO’s new Las Vegas Innovation Center for its 2021 annual sales meeting.

Commenting on the upcoming meeting, CU*Answers’ Executive Vice President of National Sales and Marketplace Relationships, Scott Collins, said, “It will be nice to see our network partners in person once again following last year’s virtual session. The fact that we can host the event at our new Innovation Center in Las Vegas makes it even more special. We are also excited to welcome our partners at CUaxis as a first-time attendee now that they are a Certified Distributor of our CU*BASE core.”

The meeting will take place on October 6th and 7th and is expected to have participants from eight (8) CUSOs – CU*Answers, eDOC Innovations, CU*SOUTH, Xtend, CU*NorthWest, rkGoBig, Site-Four, and CUaxis.