My Pensacola Federal Credit Union has become an investor in core data processing CUSO, CU*SOUTH. Based in the home of the U.S. Navy’s famed Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron, My Pensacola FCU serves the residents of Escambia County, FL. The credit union rebranded as My Pensacola following the merger of Pensacola FCU into Pensacola Government FCU.
MPFCU’s new motto for member service, “Make It Yours!”, extended to My Pensacola’s decision to acquire a share of their core data processor.
“We see investing in CU*SOUTH as a way of investing in our members’ safe and secure future,” says My Pensacola FCU CEO James Phetteplace.
“Cybercrimes are evolving, and staying up to date on the latest technologies to combat these attacks can be expensive and a drain on capital. We feel that our members’ data is the second most valuable asset of the credit union, right behind our employees. By investing in CU*SOUTH, we support continued efforts to improve our members’ experience while protecting their information at the highest levels, and helping CU*SOUTH to offer these services at continued low costs to participating credit unions.”
“My Pensacola Credit Union has been with CU*SOUTH just over two years,” says Mr. Phetteplace. “CU*SOUTH’s products and fee structure gave us, a small credit union, a means to offer the same or better services as larger financial institutions in our area.”
CU*SOUTH CEO Leo Vaulin welcomes My Pensacola FCU as a new owner. “I’ve always believed that the best investment you can make is in your work and in your partners. CU*SOUTH has been proud to serve the members of My Pensacola FCU since 2013; we’re pleased that the Board and management of the credit union have the confidence to invest in us and support our mission of helping all credit union succeed and grow.”
“CU*SOUTH believes that credit unions should have the opportunity to participate in owning the technology that drives their success in serving member needs and sustaining the economic growth of their communities. Our mission is to provide the support these credit unions need – not only the software, but also the expertise and support to put that software to the best possible use. Thanks to our client-owners, our CUSO helps credit unions grow!”