List of CU*Answers Stockholders Growing Steadily

CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, announced that to date it has added eight new stockowners during the 2014 business year. In the last five years, the 100% credit union-owned core processor has added over fifty new owners, matching the number of owners added in the ten years prior. In that same five year period, the price of new stock ownership has increased by $100,000. CU*Answers currently has 126 credit union owners.

Scott Page, CU*Answers EVP said, “We are very excited at the level credit unions want to participate, including having an equal voting privilege in helping set the future direction of their cooperative technology CUSO. Credit unions aren’t just our clients; they’re our partners. This is truly a cooperative relationship and we’re eager to continue to grow with our credit unions.”

CU*Answers added that the organization and its credit unions now represent over 1.5 million members and $15 billion in credit union assets.