Lauderdale County Teachers Credit Union converts to CU*Answers for image check processing

Lauderdale County Teachers Credit Union (Florence, AL) recently converted to CU*Answers Item Processing for their member check processing. As a core CU*BASE client of CU*SOUTH, the credit union will receive unlimited free member check image copies and free implementation of member check images to It’s Me 247, CU*Answers’ online banking platform.

The credit union will also be converting to eDOC Innovations mobile RDC. Mobile RDC is one of several offerings in the eDOC suite of CheckLogic software, which also include CheckLogic Branch (C21), merchant capture, ATM processing, and Positive Pay.

Bundling any of these services is a great idea for any credit union. Electronic member check processing and mobile RDC are implemented, trained, and supported by the CU*Answers Item Processing team utilizing software provided by eDOC Innovations.