Jefferson Community FCU signs core processing agreement with CU*Answers

Madison, Indiana-based Jefferson Community Federal Credit Union will become a CU*BASE® core data processing user in early 2023 based on its recent signing with CU*Answers, the cooperative CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The credit union is slated to go live February 15th.

Scott Collins, Executive Vice President of National Sales and Marketplace Development for the CUSO, said, “We are very excited that Stephanie (JCFCU CEO Stephanie Marion) and her team will be joining our cooperative early next year. Their due diligence process was completed over the past summer and fall, and we were very pleased they have selected CU*BASE as the foundation for their future. Both teams are expected to kick off the project this summer in preparation for the mid-February go-live date.”

Collins noted that Jefferson Community would become the CUSO’s 12th Indiana-based CU*BASE client when they launch.