CU*Answers announced that South Carolina-based Greenwood Municipal Federal Credit Union recently executed a contract to change its existing core data processing platform to the CU*Answers CU*BASE® system, the CUSO’s flagship solution. Over 6,800 Greenwood Municipal FCU members will be converted in November 2021.
Greenwood Municipal FCU CEO Phil Heinlen said: “Greenwood Municipal decided as a team after calls and webinars with different data processors to go with CU*Answers. We believe it is and will be the best fit for our credit union. Not only for our members but for our staff. It seems to be very user friendly and the staff at CU*Answers is very hands on with their clients. We look forward to and are very excited for our future with CU*Answers.”
“We’re incredibly excited to have Greenwood Municipal Federal Credit Union join our network of credit unions,” added Scott Collins, CU*Answers executive vice president of national sales and marketplace relations. “As a cooperative, we understand that what has fostered our CUSO’s growth has not just been the products and services we’ve offered over the years, but the participation and engagement of our customers and owners. We thrive together, and as our firm celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020, we’re confident it’s precisely through that cooperation and shared vision that we’ll continue for 50 more years.”