Engaged Call Center Equals Campaign Success

When Grandville, Michigan-based First United Federal Credit Union was looking for a partner to help them generate new sales leads, they had to look no further than their cross-town CUSO partner – Xtend, Inc., a multi-owned cooperative CUSO based in nearby Grand Rapids. The end result was a successful credit card capture campaign executed by both the credit union and the Xtension Call Center.

According to Julie Gessner, Manager of Communication Services for Xtend, they “worked with the leadership team at First United for several weeks to prepare for a successful launch of a credit card campaign for their members who had plastics at other financial institutions, and our collaborative efforts paid off. It was essentially a 1-2 punch – a targeted mailing followed by outbound calls to members – that has proven effective for our team in similar campaigns. At project completion we had achieved a lead rate of 9%, which is significantly higher than what would have been expected with a mail piece alone. We are already talking with the credit union about additional campaigns to help drive loan applications.”

Scott Collins, Xtend President says, “More and more of our credit union partners are embracing our call center as a critical success factor in their marketing efforts. The process we used with First United is one that has proven effective for many of our other clients, and the type of project our team gets excited about. We know our credit unions have great products, and these projects help validate that members love to hear from their credit union.”