eDOC Strategy Session Focuses on Mobility

MIDDLEBURY, VT and MIDWAY, UT – June 24th, 2011
Credit union industry executives from Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Vermont and Massachusetts recently joined eDOC Innovations for its Annual Stockholders Meeting and Leadership Strategy Session. Attendees collaborated with the eDOC CUSO management team, as well as other members of the cuasterisk.com CUSO network, on future mobility for their credit unions. Bret Weekes, President/CEO of eDOC Innovations, probed the group for what mobile businesses they could build as credit union peers.

“Mobility is no longer a nice idea, but a cultural imperative in the growing social demographics of today’s credit union membership. The mind set of young adults and the younger generations of today think ‘mobility’. eDOC is focused on developing a resume of collaboration that will enable credit unions to develop their businesses to reach to this new demographic of membership. What business can you work with your CUSO to build? eDOC looks forward to the further innovation and collaboration that will result from the creative juices generated at this meeting.”