eDOC and DigitalMailer Collaborate on My Virtual StrongBox

eDOC Innovations and DigitalMailer, Inc. have partnered to integrate My Virtual StrongBox© for eDOC’s 2020eDOC Member Document Portal users. My Virtual StrongBox acts as a virtual safety deposit box for vital member documents.

“We are excited about collaborating with eDOC Innovations and its network of CUSOs,” says Ron Daly, President/CEO of DigitalMailer. “In adding My Virtual StrongBox as part of its product offerings and combining the strengths of our companies, we can help credit unions deliver not only a valuable service to their members, but also one that is ‘sticky.’  And where better to store your important financial documents and files than with your trusted credit union!”

“The concept of extending delivery of documents found in the portal to a virtual safe deposit box, where a member can also contribute to the content is a natural evolution.” said Bret Weekes, President/CEO of eDOC Innovations. “The collaboration of our CUSO and DigitalMailer will again demonstrate an intense commitment we have to help credit unions drive value to their members and to capture the business opportunities that have sustainable influences for the credit union.”

My Virtual StrongBox within the 2020eDOC Member Document Portal is available now! For more information on how to obtain the 2020eDOC member portal with My Virtual StrongBox email sales@edoclogic.com