DocLogic Protects Alabama CU Records from Destruction

MIDDLEBURY, VT and MIDWAY, UT – June 27th, 2011
According to eDOC Innovations, a provider of e-document solutions for the credit union industry, Alabama credit unions were recently reminded of the value of electronic digitization and storage of member records.

“The tornado touched down about a half-mile from our main site,” comments Michael Shults, VP of IT for Alabama Credit Union, speaking of recent crippling weather events in the South. “If we had not backed up all of our documents with DocLogic, we would not have been able to recover our member documents, if we were hit by the severe weather,” continues Shults.

He continued to say that Alabama CU will have a stronghold against not only catastrophic weather, but also any failures to electricity or their servers. “Had we been hit we would have had all documents backed up to that same business day.”