CU*SOUTH Launches CUSO Media Services to Provide Affordable Marketing to Reach Gen-Y Members

CU*SOUTH announced the creation of CUSO Media Services, a video and graphic media production service focused exclusively on credit unions. CUSO Media Services helps credit unions reach a younger member demographic with the mission “Change the way they CU!”

“More credit unions are recognizing the importance of video in their member communication strategy,” said CUSO Media producer Roman Vaulin. “For a smaller CU, there’s just not enough time to focus on advertising, let alone the means to find a designer or expensive outside firm to do the work.”

Vaulin wanted to offer affordable, high-quality production services without stress on the credit union by offering a marketing department focused exclusively on building communication between credit unions and members. “We build on the cooperative bond, helping members feel like owners,” said Vaulin. “Credit unions work with us because it’s easy—we get it! We take a credit union’s vision and communicate it across different media platforms including print, web, and video.”

“It’s like a LEGO® model,” explains Vaulin. “You pick from a selection of pre-designed components that communicate specific benefits, such as bill pay or text banking. Since the graphics and videos are already built, you don’t have to create a vision from scratch and you already know what the result will look like. This makes for an easier design discussion. You simply specify what components you want to assemble, and any customization you’d like to make. This cuts development time from weeks to just hours or days and significantly lowers the cost.”

Demand for video and graphic design has been high as CUSO Media Services launched with a series of introductory promotions that included a 60-second video for as little as $250.00. “Our most popular design is called ‘Connected,’” explains Vaulin. “It’s a fast-paced, 3-D visualization of all the different ways members can stay connected with their credit union 24×7: home banking, text, mobile web, loan apps, membership apps—on PCs, phones, and tablets. The video is important in positioning any credit union in the eyes of the Gen Y demographic and serves as a constant reminder that CUs can play on lobby monitors to encourage member self-service options.”

Whether producing short films or designing graphics, Vaulin looks forward to further educating others on the significance credit unions play in their communities.

“I can’t say enough about the value of credit unions. As a credit union member, and as a member of a credit union service organization, I work for a cooperative that I own. I focus on helping the people who work hard to make a positive difference in people’s everyday financial lives, and it’s a privilege to work with people making an impact.”

To see more, please visit the CUSO Media Services website at or its YouTube Channel at