CUSO performs bi-annual live business continuity test

CU*Answers, the cooperative CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, reported that it has completed its latest disaster recovery rollover test. These rollover tests are performed at least twice a year by the cooperative’s technical teams and involve moving their suite of online cloud services provided to more than 200 credit unions from its Kentwood, Michigan data center to a backup data center in Yankton, South Dakota. The backup center leverages both the facility and employees of Site-Four, the Yankton-based data center operations CUSO of the same name.

In commenting on the project, Scott Collins, Executive Vice President of National Sales and Marketplace Development noted, “For more than two decades, our cooperative has been investing in not only a resilient business continuity infrastructure, but also aggressive testers and process documenters. We perform at least two of these projects each year, and this latest test involved running production for more than 200 credit unions for and extended two-week period from the Site Four data center. Our commitment to continuous operations dictates an aggressive calendar of testing and role-swapping events throughout the year and the end result has been a core suite that our credit unions and their members can count on being available whenever they need it.”

Collins continued, “Congratulations to a vested group of professionals not only here at CU*Answers, but also our partners at Site Four. We know that many of the credit unions we serve include disaster recovery tests in their Board Minutes, and our team of professionals takes great pride in that. As our network of core clients expands across the country, so too will our ongoing investment in 24x7x365 operations.”