CUSO Magazine releases Summer 2021 print edition

CUSO Magazine, a digital publication geared towards providing news and insights into the credit union industry, has recently published its fifth print edition to date, the Summer 2021 issue. The new edition was distributed to over 1,200 credit unions, vendors, and cooperatives and was handed out at CU*Answers’ Annual Leadership Conference to over 140 credit union CEOs and representatives.

With nearly thirty articles ranging in topics from data analytics, marketing, web design, and compliance to news trends such as cannabis banking, social media, and generational divides, this edition boasts the largest assortment of articles to date for the publication. Contributors to the magazine came from ten different organizations across the country, comprised of credit unions, CUSOs, vendors, and more. Notable contributors include Chip Filson, Steve Winninger of Steve Winninger and Associates, Cumberland County Federal Credit Union CFO Ryan Grund, Deb Slavens of BlueOx Credit Union, and Keri Lillie of Lillie & Company.

“We’re really proud of this fifth edition of the print magazine,” said Supervising Editor Esteban Camargo. “The hard work put into it by the team, the great articles contributed by many talented individuals, and the partners who were eager to participate through advertising opportunities all made for an excellent product. We know readers will be excited to get their hands on it!”

CUSO Magazine welcomes contributions from all those in the credit union industry and aims to be relevant to all industry professionals, from CEOs to tellers and everyone in between. To subscribe to CUSO Magazine or find information on contributing, readers can visit the website.