CUSO Boasts 100% Enrollment for CEO Event

In a year when credit union participation is expected to be off, one Grand Rapids-based organization continues to prove that optimism and collaboration within the industry are alive and well. CU*Answers’ 5th Annual CEO Strategies Week held the week of November 9th drew in 50 credit union CEOs from across the country. According to the CUSO, this was a perfect follow-up to the Annual Leadership Conference held in June, which drew a crowd of 195 credit union professionals.

A peer to peer learning environment allowed CEOs to brainstorm and address topics and concerns unique to the credit union industry. CU*Answers CEO, Randy Karnes facilitated a day-long discussion on how CEOs can use CU*BASE tools to interact with management and Board teams. In addition to roundtable and facilitated discussions, time was allowed for networking with peers in a social setting.

According to Chris Butler, Chairman of CU*Answers’ Board and President/CEO of Community Credit Union of La Crosse, WI, “CU*Answers is the poster child of collaboration and innovation. Most round tables consist of one round table where half the people talk and some people listen. A CU*Answers round table consisted of 10 tables with predetermined tasks to direct everyone to contribute on innovative ideas that maximize the value of a network of peers.” He continues by saying “the number of existing ideas shared and new ideas created were amazing. I can only say, what a day – what a good week of networking, learning, and developing our future tools for success.”

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