CU*NorthWest is now offering the latest release of My CU Today to all partners and clients in their network. The powerful My CU Today tool powered by partner CUSO CU*Answers provides a new external data warehouse with daily alerts available for up to 60 different data points, now including delinquency, cash, and in-process statistics. With an ever-growing need to provide quick, big data to parties both internal and external to a credit union, My CU Today tracks, updates and trends data every day and delivers it to whomever, whenever, wherever, and however the credit union desires.
While Phase 2 of My CU Today introduces new data tracking points, the robust application also offers several other features to help credit unions stay on top of trends, exams, and even board meetings. Custom alerts can be activated for any data point and can be sent to anyone, including branch managers, the board of directors, and even auditors. Trends are available to monitor the impact of several different types of activity, such as membership drive results or special loan offerings. Paperless board meetings are now a reality with the option to store and share documents securely online, giving clients the ability to consolidate and centralize information. Credit unions may utilize PolicySwap and ExamShare to get clear answers to questions about regulatory matters and examinations. Risk Management Report Generator (RMRG) allows clients to assess, analyze, and evaluate potential risks with a comparison to the same set of examiner questions under which a financial institution will be tested.
My CU Today provides a high-level or granular view of credit union operations, allowing clients to keep a finger on the pulse of their respective institutions. A video and demonstration of My CU Today can be found at