CU*NorthWest, a CUSO located in Liberty Lake, WA will hold a series of four classes during May 2012 on using Tiered Services, a relationship management tool that helps credit unions analyze member behavior and reward it.
Classes, held each Wednesday morning during the month of May, will teach credit unions how to set up “scoring systems,” reward programs and how to market and monitor the new offerings.
“We just set up tiered services for our credit union, and I couldn’t be happier,” said Wendy Gililies, CEO of Amicus Federal Credit Union in Spokane, WA. “I can already see changes in the behavior of some of my members and that is a good thing.”
Each class, which last about an hour, builds on the previous class with homework assignments to be completed by participating credit unions. As always, credit unions simply cover the cost of web based meeting facilities to participate.