The data processing CUSO CU*NorthWest announced today that 2 credit unions have converted to its online core processing solution, CU*BASE.
Cheney FCU in Cheney, Washington upgraded in February, while Pacific Northwest Credit Union, Bellingham, Washington migrated to the system in March. Both credit unions are using complete solutions from CU*NorthWest including It’s Me 247 online banking, CU*TALK audio response, online reports storage and integrated document imaging.
According to CU*NorthWest CEO, Greg Smith, the conversions were enhanced by using resources from the CU ByDesign CUSO, which specialize in credit union operations and management. Working alongside the CU*NorthWest conversion team, CU BYDesign assisted the credit unions in managing their conversion process by relating their old system to the new system, establishing staff training strategies, and providing expert user advice on best utilizing the vast feature functionality of CU*BASE.
Both of these credit unions have also exercised their options to become Owners of the CU*NorthWest CUSO.