CU*BASE Tools for Managing a Credit Card Breach

With the disclosure by Targets Stores that some 40 million credit and debit cards are at risk for fraud, CU*Answers AuditLink team reminded their clients that the CU*BASE® core processing system includes tools to help them manage risk.  Abnormal Activity Monitoring tools help review transaction histories and evaluate whether a member is at risk.  If there is a concern about debit withdrawals from member accounts, they can specifically monitor these types of transactions and flag if high risk or abnormal. Another CU*BASE tool called “Where your Members Shop” allows credit unions do determine the population of breached members with one keystroke.

AuditLink provides services to credit unions to help configure the Abnormal Activity Monitoring options. They also suggested to clients that they take this opportunity to remind their members how to protect themselves against fraud and identity theft.  Personal Internet Branch, or PIB, provides credit unions and their members with the opportunity to configure the security settings for online banking to reduce the risk of fraud.

Contact Jim Vilker at AuditLink for more details on how AuditLink can help protect members from criminal activity.