CU*BASE Now Includes ATM Surcharge Rebates

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned CUSO headquartered in West Michigan, has recently announced that credit unions are now able to offer ATM surcharge fee rebates directly from CU*BASE, rather than requiring a third party vendor to process ATM surcharge fee rebates.

According to the CUSO, the CU*BASE software allows credit unions to configure a rebate two separate ways: either all members by configured dividend application or as part of a rewards program associated with a Qualified Dividend product (i.e. members with qualifying enrollments, such as bill pay or e-Statements, and/or number or amount of transactions such as ACH, received the award). This service offering was designed so that credit unions have the flexibility to determine member eligibility for this rebate.

For additional information regarding this service offering, refer directly to the ‘ATM Surcharge’ and ‘Qualified Dividends’ booklets available on the CU*BASE Reference Page: