CU*Answers Writing Team adds five new employees to its “Win the Lottery” program in the first half of 2019

The CU*Answers Writing Team announced that five employees have joined its “Win the Lottery” program in the first half of the 2019 business year. New employees include experts from the Operations, OpsEngine, and Quality Control sectors of CU*Answers.

Each Win the Lottery participant spends time each month sharing insights, best practices, and deeper knowledge of the use of CU*Answers tools with a Writing Team member. Together they work to incorporate this information in documentation resources that can be shared across the network and with clients.

“It’s called Win the Lottery because it would be bad for the network if these valued employees won the lottery and left, taking all their knowledge with them,” said Alycia Meyers, senior technical writer and developer of the program. “No one wants to be involved in a program that is called ‘Got Hit by a Bus’,” she joked.

Participation in Win the Lottery is voluntary. Since its inception in 2017 over 45 employees from CU*Answers, CU*SOUTH and CU*NorthWest have participated in the program.

“The team’s Win the Lottery program may be one of our most successful new initiatives to date when it comes to improving our team’s end product,” said Dawn Moore, Vice President of Writing Team/Product Design. “Participants work on subjects they like, in a format that works best for them, and we get the benefit of offloading all that experience into something tangible that everyone can use.”