CU*Answers unveils new business banking video tutorials

CU*Answers recently released five new video tutorials on its business banking product BizLink 247, an online banking product tailored to meet the needs of businesses, both big and small. “The videos will really help business members learn how to make the most of our BizLink 247 business banking product and all that it has to offer,” CU*Answers Technical Writer Amethyst Schott explained.

BizLink 247, one of the many unique products that sets CU*Answers apart from other credit union service organizations, was developed to provide business owners a quick and convenient way to manage their finances. Offering features like separate logins for individual employees and a check management tool that allows users to manage and monitor how checks are cleared, BizLink 247 provides credit union business members a way to manage their business finances effectively and securely. The new videos can be found on the CU*Answers OnDemand site.