CU*Answers, the 100% credit union owned cooperative based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is preparing for the newest update to the CU*BASE data processing platform by holding a release review webinar. The release of CU*BASE GOLD will be deployed to Online and Site-Four credit unions on October 3rd and to Self-Processors on October 6th.
The Client Services and Education team will hold two webinars to preview the packed 21.10 release and help clients get up to speed on the latest CU*BASE tools and features and provide training for the release that will include a significant number of software enhancements. As with every CU*BASE release, it is free for clients. Below are two release webinar sessions that credit unions can attend. Training will be held Wednesday, September 22, 3 – 4:30 PM ET, and Tuesday, September 28, 3 PM – 4:30 PM ET.