CU*Answers Targeted Tiered Services Dashboard Wows Clients

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, cooperative data processing CUSO announced that the Targeted Tiered Services dashboard it had released for its CU*BASE® core processing platform had been met with great excitement by its client credit unions. The system allows the credit union to score its members on a number of different criteria and place each member in a Tiered Service Level, such as Silver, Gold, and Platinum, based on the aggregated totals. With this feature in place, CU*Answers has taken these metrics and turned them into a robust dashboard that allows the client to dive deep into the data.

The dashboard allows the credit union to analyze the participation of a specific segment of its membership by Tiered Service scoring. Credit unions on the CU*Answers system can select a group of members based on a branch, member designation, gender, credit score or individual goals in Tiered Services (such as enrollment in e-statements). Where the feature really shines is in the ability to then compare this new segment with the entire membership to see how they measure up in terms of their usage in other key products and services. This new dashboard is great for testing out the credit union’s ideas on who its “best” members are and to determine a course of action for future promotions.