CU*Answers’ SettleMINT EFT Team to the Rescue

When the SettleMINT EFT team at CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO, was informed of the 40 million Target customers who were potential victims of a major debit/credit card breach they sprung in to action.  “So that our clients could identify members who may have been affected by the breach, the SettleMINT EFT team generated reports for our clients to review.  This gave each credit union an opportunity to evaluate the impact to their members and make an informed decision on how they wanted to move forward,” states Laura Welch-Vilker, VP of Client Services and Education. “Not only did the team deliver the information to our clients, we also offered them additional assistance based on their needs, such as assisting with mass re-issues, and even reaching out to members for our clients,” added Welch-Vilker.

CU*Answers SettleMINT Team is the one stop location for all EFT related products including ATM/Debit & Credit Cards, Instant Issue Cards, Bill Pay, Compromised Card Support and Shared Branching.  SettleMINT also offers consulting to help their Credit Union Clients maximize their investment in EFT products and features.