CU*Answers sends ninth “Remember This” email this year to reintroduce a CU*BASE feature

In August, the Writing Team at CU*Answers sent its nineth “Remember This” email to clients. This monthly communication is designed to reignite interest in software implemented from prior CU*BASE releases.

CU*BASE, CU*Answers’ core software solution, is implemented in two major and several minor releases each year. Because of the breadth of software implemented each year, “Remember This” not only reintroduce enhancements, but also explains how each feature could make credit unions’ jobs easier.

August’s topic explained how a small change to a workflow control configuration could make it easier for member service representatives to order ATM and debit cards when opening a new account for a member. Other features that were reintroduced in 2020 include helpful tips to set up skip-pay loan programs for bi-weekly payment loans, to configure credit card rebate programs, and to highlight cross sales loan opportunities during the loan application process.

The Writing team has more tips scheduled through the middle of 2021 as it sees the value in reminding clients of features they may have previously overlooked.