CU*Answers revamping video portion of online store

Next month, West Michigan-based credit union service organization CU*Answers is set to unveil a new look within the video portion of its online store. The CU*Answers Writing Team is excited to announce the addition of 33 video products that can be customized with either basic or deluxe customization. Additionally, a new video creation service will be added to the store as well.

CU*Answers Technical Writer Amethyst Schott, who will be processing store video requests, shares her excitement about the new store layout: “Revamping the store by adding these individual videos to the video customization page will really give clients a clearer picture of what is available to them in terms of video customization. Our intent is that the new store layout will help clients more easily understand the pricing associated with our video customization and creation services.” The CU*Answers Writing Team online store can be found at