CU*Answers reports exciting start to the 2022 trade show season

When CU*Answers, the cooperative CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, finalized its trade show attendance calendar for 2022, they knew that April would be a very busy month. In all, representatives from the CUSO were planning to attend a total of seven industry events across the country. The events include trade shows in Ohio, Texas, Minnesota, Michigan (Upper Peninsula), Hawaii, the Mountain West League, as well as the NACUSO Annual Conference in Florida.

Scott Collins, Executive Vice President of National Sales and Marketplace Development for the CUSO, said, “When we first started budgeting for 2022, our team was excited that our calendar was returning to pre-COVID in-person events across the country. For some of these communities it has been more than two years they hosted an in-person conference, so I am sure there will be a definite buzz in the air at each.”

Collins continued, “What really jumped out at us was the number of events we planned to participate in during the month of April. We looked at the challenge as a positive one – we have a fast-growing group of customer-owners in more states across the country and this was one of the ways to invest in their peer communities. There is one event for the first time, one that we have been actively participating in for decades, and many in between. It will be a busy Spring to be sure, but networking with our credit union friends is a great way to be busy.”

For the full year, CU*Answers plans to attend twenty-two industry events nationally.