CU*Answers releases “Leaders in Action” video archive

CU*Answers has released its video archive website, which includes over 75 clips of various company employees as they promote products, services and themselves. The site demonstrates “Leaders in Action” and features video that was originally created for sales, marketing, special events, and education purposes.

This website will also act as a tool used by the Board of Directors as part of the CEO selection process planned for 2022 as current CEO Randy Karnes has recently announced his retirement. But Karnes wants this site to serve a great purpose long after his successor takes the reins.

“We take pride in sharing our knowledge toward the success of everyone in the network,” Karnes said. “This sharing comes in many formats like the written and spoken word, our software and services, and our gathering events. For years we’ve created short video pieces of our current and future leadership as they speak at conferences, introduce their team and respond to questions as part of development classes. Our network has a proud history, and as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, the site can also act as living documentary on how we got here.”

The website can be viewed at