CU*Answers Provides Free Mid-Year C-Level Training

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, core data processing CUSO is hosting a free C-Level classroom training event at its corporate headquarters on Wednesday, March 19th. During this free event, CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes will show how their CU*BASE® data processing system dashboards and analysis tools can be used interactively during presentations, how they can be used to identify opportunity and how they can be the cornerstone of a credit union’s business plan.

“It’s not enough to build the tools; a true cooperative partner helps you incorporate them into your strategic direction,” said Scott Page, EVP of CU*Answers. “C-Level executives need to be able to look at the data from their credit unions and make meaningful business decisions using it. Our commitment to partnering and education allows credit unions to do just that.”