CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based core data processing CUSO, recently joined its industry peers and partners at the Carolinas Credit Union League Annual Meeting in Asheville, NC on June 2-4, 2019.
“We always look forward to seeing our customer-owners and other business partners at the Carolinas show,” said CU*Answers Executive Vice President Scott Collins. “Since it was held in early June, which is right before our annual Leadership Conference in mid-June, we are able to share the highlights and successes of the CUSO at that event with our partners. This year’s event was well-executed and well-attended, so kudos to the organizers that were involved.”
Collins concluded, “The Carolinas has been a growing market for our cooperative. Not only is it a great credit union state, it is also a state where cooperative principles are very evident in the marketplace. We look forward to participating for many years to come.”