CU*Answers Offers Faster A2A Transfers with Magic-Wrighter Partnership

CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned, core data processing CUSO, has announced that through its partnership with Magic-Wrighter, credit unions utilizing its CU*BASE® data processing software can now have options of posting Account-to-Account (A2A) transactions wired to the Federal Reserve as late as 7pm Eastern.

“This is another competitive advantage for our credit unions. Working with Magic-Wrighter not only saves our credit unions money when performing transfers to and from other financial institutions, but now it can also mean that members could see those transactions as quickly as the next day,” said Scott Page, EVP of CU*Answers.

“Our commitment to our credit unions as a technology partner not only means we develop new products, but help our existing services continue to grow and become better over time, without charging additional fees to do so.”