CU*Answers Now Offers Reason Codes for Why Members Open New Loans

CU*Answers recently announced that it will add with the 17.05 release of CU*BASE® the ability to use reason codes for why a member is applying for a new loan. This newest release of CU*BASE is available to all online CU*Answers credit unions for free on May 21st (in-house credit unions will receive the release June 5-6).

Open reason codes can currently be entered for shares, share drafts and certificates. With this release, you now have the ability to input an open account reason code when creating a loan in CU*BASE. This feature will assist credit unions with relationship management or to record the reason the member opened the loan (for example a special loan promotion).

For more information on this and other features being added at no additional cost to credit unions as part of the 17.05 CU*BASE release, visit the CU*Answers website.