CU*Answers launches CUSO Women

CU*Answers recently announced the official launch of CUSO Women at a kickoff event held at CU*Answers on June 23, 2022. CUSO Women, an employee resource group, came together to start the dialogue in hopes of helping to grow, develop and foster all women to reach their next developmental level and to grow the pipeline of future leaders.

“CUSO Women aims to help women develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities to prepare them for future opportunities,” says Christen Lipschutz, one of the founding members. CUSO Women is already 44 members strong and is looking forward to coming together for ongoing learning, mentoring and collaboration.

The vision of CUSO Women is to create a culture that empowers women to reach their full potential and grow as leaders. The mission is to encourage, develop, and inspire women to find and use their authentic voice through networking, collaboration, mentorship, and education.