CU*Answers Holds Show Me the Steps! Submission Contest

Grand Rapids, MI – July 21st, 2011
Since CU*Answers released its new procedural help system, Show Me the Steps!, October of 2010, it has quickly grown to nearly 150 different sets of step-by-step instructions for various tasks performed on the CU*BASE system. Recently the Grand Rapids-based CUSO announced it is holding a submission contest for users of the CU*BASE system to provide ready-to-post (complete step-by-step directions) that will be added to the online help system.

According to CU*Answers, all contest entries must be submitted via the Network links page in CU*BASE and received by July 31st. There are prizes for the highest number of qualifying submissions, both by individual and by credit union – The top submitter wins a $250 gift card and the credit union with the highest number of submissions receives a pizza lunch for all of its employees.

To read more about this contest and the Show Me the Steps! Online Help system, access the following link: