CU*Answers Debuts Board Election Services

Grand Rapids, MI – July 21st, 2011
In its recent push to encourage clients to function as true cooperatives, CU*Answers has unveiled Board Election Services to help credit unions ramp up voter turnout and community involvement.

The CUSO highlights that credit unions have the ability to boast democratic process and involvement as a benefit of membership, though it seems there is reluctance in promoting the Board of Director election process and empowering members. CU*Answers continued to say that by using the Internet as the primary avenue of communication, credit unions can generate buzz for ownership in the community, can add drama and timeliness to being a member and create some in-your-face differences between credit unions and other organizations.

According to CU*Answers, it recently assisted a credit union in obtaining 31.75% voter participation, with 42% of votes submitted electronically. Some of the offerings included in its Board Election Services include setup of election paperwork including marketing materials, notices and ballots, setup of election kiosks for voting in the branch, advice on bylaw amendments when necessary, tabulation of electronic and paper balloting, and more.

To learn more, access the CU*Answers website at: