CU*Answers continues to innovate with 21.05 Release

CU*Answers, the West-Michigan based cooperative CUSO, updated their flagship product CU*BASE to version 21.05 on May 24, 2021 for their online clients, adding features that offer convenience and improved functionality.

For this release, TruChoice Credit Union provided an idea to enhance report and query automation, making it possible to automate them to daily or weekly frequencies. Other added features were enhancements to make ordering a new ATM/debit card for a joint owner easier, enhancements to the process of managing subsidiaries, and vertical receipts.

Also introduced in this release was Xpress Teller, a new teller processing platform to CU*BASE, designed to streamline and simplify the teller experience. This is in addition to the existing standard teller platform already being used in CU*BASE. Credit unions can use one or both platforms. Cody Smith, Account Executive on the Earnings Edge Team stated, “I am excited to be a part of a new additional teller toolset. The advanced search, comments, and IDs right on the CU*BASE screen, and the ability to take in multiple checks on one screen are just a few of my favorite features. I think credit unions will enjoy using this additional teller platform for a streamlined experience.”

Interested individuals can see what exciting features are planned for the future by visiting The Kitchen page on the CU*Answers website.