CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, data processing CUSO, recently hosted a series of refresher courses for current internal alert publishers. The courses, led by Writing Team Communications Coordinator Andrew MacMillan, offered a review of the process of posting an alert, the most common alert categories, the information that is necessary to compose an alert, creating the associated email that will be sent to clients, and more.
While most alerts that CU*Answers posts are handled by Andrew or another member of the Writing Team, there are times when another individual may need to be reached in order to post an alert. Currently, there are thirteen individuals on the Alert contact list for regular weekdays and three contacts for weekends. As some individuals on this list may not post alerts as frequently as others, the Writing Team decided to host a review process once per year. Going forward, this review process will also cover any updates/changes to the alerts process that may have occurred within the last year.
This review process also provided opportunity for current alert publishers to raise any questions or concerns regarding the current practices.