CU*Answers Attends Minnesota Annual Credit Union Convention

CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, was an exhibitor at the Minnesota Annual Credit Union Convention held on May 17th and 18th in Minneapolis, MN. Many interested individuals in the industry stopped by the booth to learn more about CU*BASE®, the CUSO’s data processing system.

Mike Gruber, sales associate at CU*Answers commented, “The growth of America’s credit unions in the state of Minnesota is encouraging.” CU*Answers provides data processing to five credit unions in the state of Minnesota including Building Trades FCU, Lake State FCU, Catholic United Financial FCU, Wakota FCU and Toro Employees FCU. Mike added, “I am proud to be surrounded by this group of individuals passionate about the credit union industry.”

CU*Answers looks forward to upcoming trade events including the June Credit Union Association of the Dakotas Annual Meeting, and the CU*Answers Leadership Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan with events beginning June 18, 2013.