CU*Answers announces upcoming Asterisk Intelligence offering

CU*Answers, the 100% credit-union owned CUSO, will be rolling out a new service from Asterisk Intelligence. In late summer 2018, non-transaction data (Phone Optics) will be created for credit unions exclusively within the CU*Answers Data Warehouse. This is the first of many opportunities where CU*Answers will be able to deliver data directly to credit unions’ CU*Answers Data Warehouse. This service offering will help credit unions digest and analyze data, which then can be presented to staff, managers, and board members.

The CU*Answers Data Warehouse entered beta testing with Data Boot Camp participants, for which results will be shared shortly. The Asterisk Intelligence team emphasizes data warehousing strategies and solutions for database administrators at every credit union. To learn more about Asterisk Intelligence and view what products and services they offer, visit them online.