CU*Answers Announces Internet Capacity Upgrades

CU*Answers, a leading CUSO data processing provider, today announced it has upgraded its internet capacity as part of its ongoing Capacity Innovation efforts. The upgrade represents a 33% increase in overall capacity across multiple Internet providers. Due to the effectiveness of the Capacity Innovation project, the upgrade was performed as part of a projected-growth analysis and in advance of realizing performance problems from exhausting bandwidth.

The Capacity Innovation project is a multi-team approach to reviewing capacity of all technical processes at CU*Answers that seeks to forecast through empirical data analysis performance pinch points and the various strategies for addressing those concerns.

“We use Capacity Innovation to forecast anywhere from six months to three years down the road where we can do better, where we can spend less by doing something in a new way, or where we need to increase our investment to compensate for a projected exhaustion of current capacity,” says David Wordhouse, VP Network Services. “Everything is on the table. This is an innovation process and you can’t start by excluding ideas out of the gate. It’s always better to address capacity issues on your timetable instead of under duress, when you’ve got a realized problem.”

The Capacity Innovation project is a key component of the CU*Answers Strategic Technology Plan and helps set the framework for implementation strategies and timelines. The Strategic Technology Plan is updated every six months and looks forward over the next three business annuals. It is available to clients of CU*Answers upon request.