CU*Answers announces a new ‘Micro App’ store

Cooperative CUSO CU*Answers recently announced the development of an upcoming ‘Micro App’ store for credit unions. The store will be a place for CU*Answers to develop a new family of mobile apps designed to supplement current kitchen sink-style apps. These will be copyrighted by CU*Answers and sold as specialty apps, with fees to include one-time setup, rollout, maintenance and licensing.

The first few specialty apps will be for disengaged members or indirect borrowers to make loan payments; a stand-alone remote deposit capture app for the payment/deposit-minded members; and for investment-minded members, a new saver-focused app that will allow a purchase of a certificate or other specialty savings product.

The goal over the next few months is to build an assembly line not only to push out other apps to be developed in the future but create a foundation for third-party app production. This assembly line will have common components such as authentication and marketing features.

CU*Answers is aiming for the first app to be available for purchase no later than June 2019.