CU*Answers Adds Action Links to e-Notices

With the 11.0 CU*BASE Release, credit union members can now see helpful links in their e-Notices displayed in online banking, allowing for an even more robust self-service experience for members.

According to CU*Answers, when members receive an e-Notice regarding a delinquent loan, they will be able to select a ‘Pay Now’ link to jump to the transfer page within It’s Me 247 Online Banking where they can instantly make a payment on that loan. Similarly, a CD maturity notice will directly link members to the page where they can change their renewal options in response to the notice instructions. The CUSO went on to say that this enhancement gives members true self-service options and allows them to take immediate action when receiving a notice directly impacts a credit union’s bottom line as fewer calls to the credit union means less staff time assisting members.

For additional information regarding this new feature, access the ‘Member Notices: Configuring and Printing CU-Defined Notices and e-Notices’ booklet available from the CU*BASE Reference Page at