CU*answers, a 100% credit union-owned CUSO, has been busy with preparations for this year’s 2019 CEO Strategies Conference. The event will take place form November 11-14. All sessions will be hosted at Devos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The CUSO will also be kicking off the celebrations for their 50th Anniversary during this week. An open house will be hosted at the Grand Rapids Art Museum on November 13th from 3:00-6:00pm.
CEO Strategies allows CEOs to brainstorm about pertinent topics such as: internet retailing, teller platforms, and online and mobile tools. Randy Karnes, CEO, will be facilitating all sessions and there will be presenters from the leadership team at CU*Answers as well. Visit the CU*Answers website for more information on all the events hosted by CU*Answers.